We’ve put together a customizable email template that you can send to your organization to help get them up and running.
Hi [First Name]!
[Organization Name]’s network is now on Wavelength. It’s already populated with data so just create a password to access.
What you get:
- Access to contact information, social profiles, and career information for [Organization Name]. It’ll help career networking, reconnecting with classmates, and finding people that live near you.
- Ability to group message people (using their latest contact info).
- Privacy and subscription controls so you can manage who sees what and how you are contacted.
- Easy way to donate and give back.
So, when you have a chance please:
- Follow the link and create a password.
- Check out your data and update it so that we know if our info is up to date!
{Wavelength Links}
We hope you enjoy this new tool!
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