There are three types of Wavelength roles, Wavelength Preset Roles, Wavelength Custom Roles, and Other Roles.
Wavelength Preset Roles
There are two preset roles for Wavelength members, users and admins. By default, members start as users.
Most people on Wavelength are users. They can update their data, set their privacy settings, donate, and search.
Admins can group email all of your alumni, edit anyone’s data, and manage your network.
Organizations should assign admin status to individuals that either maintain the data quality or manage alumni outreach.
A good rule of thumb is to identify whether you feel comfortable with that person emailing all of your members. If you do, then they would make a good admin.
Learn how to grant members admin privileges.
Custom Roles
You can define custom roles and assign them to your members with a specific scope. These roles will allow your members to have more data, email, and fundraising capabilities.
Learn more how to define custom roles and assign them.
These roles are a great way to organize your volunteers and give them greater permissions. You can also filter by them, and send them an email.
Other Roles
Email Point Person
Wavelength gives you one Wavelength email that your members can respond to. Wavelength forwards those communications to one admin of your choice. That person will be in charge of responding to any inquiry and typically manages alumni communications.
Stripe Admin
For those organizations that process donations with Wavelength, they will need to assign a Stripe admin.
Stripe admins have full access to all of your transaction data and bank data. They are typically treasurers or in charge of development organizations. Stripe admins handle your payouts and donation analysis.
Wavelength does not manage your Stripe Admins, but they are important to facilitate your donations.
Stripe admins will know who gave what amount, when, so be selective about who you put in charge. Stripe Admins do not need to be Wavelength admins, but frequently they are. However, not all Wavelength admins are Stripe Admins.
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